

SUMMER 2024 : (Left to right)  Nagham Bou Hamdan, Fernando Moreno, Nnamdi Chikere, Asraf Siddiquee, Yasemin Ozkan Aydin,  Omer Kurkutlu, Sean Even, Cora Keogh (Previous group photos)


Principal Investigator

Graduate Students (PhD)

Undergraduate Students

  • Nagham Bou Hamdan

    Senior Student @ EE, Notre Dame University – Louaize

  • Khiara Cho

    First Year @ EE - University of Notre Dame, Building Bridges Program

  • Fernando Moreno

    Junior Student @ME, Polytechnic Univ - Puerto Rico

  • Raymond Frazee

    Senior Student @ ME, Purdue University

  • Cora Keogh

    Sophomore Student @ Mechatronics, Dublin City University

Visiting Scholars

  • Jinhyeok Song

    Visiting PhD, Biorobotics & Mechatronics Laboratory, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST)

  • Raafe Rahman

    Senior Student @ Penn High School


Omer Kurkutlu

Priscilla Chou, (EE, University of Notre Dame) 

Kyle McKee, (EE, University of Notre Dame) 

Martin Rybertt,  (EE, University of Notre Dame) 

Josh Lehman, (EE, University of Notre Dame) 

Genevieve Linezer, (Biology, University of Notre Dame) 

Sofia Lozano Voticky, (BME, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

Leah Kern, (AME, University of Notre Dame) 

Abby Jordan, (EE, University of Notre Dame) 

John Simon McElroy, Naughton Fellow (University College Dublin, Ireland)

Ricardo Ortiz, (EE, University of Notre Dame) 

Frederick Bruce (AME, University of Notre Dame)

Deirdre Sheridan, (EE, University of Notre Dame)

Ben Colfer, (EE, University of Notre Dame)

Kate Hjorth (EE, University of Notre Dame)

Madeline Prugh (EE, University of Notre Dame)

Kunal Yadav (now at PhasorLab)

Josh Buckley, Naughton Fellow (BME, National University of Ireland, Galway)

Callie King  (EE, University of Notre Dame)